What’s the biggest nail faux pas women commit?
Condition is the key for having strong and healthy nails. Weak nails are one of the unfortunate side effects we have to put up with due to chemicals products and wrong removal of semi-permanent varnish or artificial material. If you feel your nails are getting weaker and weaker, you need to start using a strengthener as soon as possible before they get too bad, prevention is better than cure.
The biggest nail faux pas is to have your nail polish chipped, or even worse, have left traces of nail polish on your nails. If you can’t get to your manicurist to have it fixed or reapplied, remove it by applying clear nail polish. It will look much better, and it will get you look professional until your next nail appointment. Besides natural is always desirable.
Women usually have the bad habit of picking off shellac polish as it removes layers of their natural nail and takes months to repair. It may take more time to remove it by yourself or book an appointment to redo your manicure, but its 100% sure that your nails won’t be harmed and they can handle another shellac varnish.
One safe way to maintain your nails strong is to take break periods between your appointments. The application of shellac or artificial products over and over again will weakening your nails. Another tip for women who care of the appearance of their nails, is to pay attention of the break free of varnish periods because nails which are weak and peeled won’t stand any other shellac manicure. This happens due to the weak surface of the nail which shellac is applied. The stronger the surface the more lasting the varnish will be. However a high quality shellac (it lasts, it’s shiny and its removal is very easy) is a good option for bendable and peeled nails as long as they grow safe.
Moisturizer is an essential tool for the nails and the cuticles. This hydration that cuticle oil offers is by far the best thing you can use to promote healthy and strong nails at home while it makes a huge difference in long run. Applying a small amount to just above the cuticle and massaging it in at least twice a day will put the moisture into the new nail that’s about to grow so you’re strengthening your nails from them inside out.